Web design & development

With a wide range of experience in a variety web technologies, I am a confident front-end designer and have good experience at back-end web development. I have years of experience working on multiple international websites and personal blogs.

Key skills
  • HTML / CSS / Javascript
  • Responsive design using Bootstrap
  • Wordpress / Drupal / Custom build CMS
  • Adobe Photoshop and XD
  • Hugo Static Site Generator
  • Experience with payment gateways e.g. Stripe
  • Formstack integration
My own personal website, featuring vlogs and blogs, and showcasing my interest in wildlife.

I designed and developed the above website as a way of showcasing my wildlife filmmaking videos and projects. It is built using my own custom CMS in PHP and MySQL

Homepage of an international aid agency website.

As part of a team, we redesigned this international charity website. I managed several web developers to build the site, using Hugo static site generator, and I produced a lot of the designs. The site features news articles, mini-campaign sites, donation portals, forms, and an ecommerce shop.

Homepage of a book publisher.

I managed the redevelopment of this book publishing website using Wordpress, which features its own ecommerce shop. I am responsible for regularly updating the content.

A resource based website.

In my current role, we produced this informative resource based website. I managed the team to develop this site, and was key to making the front-end design decisions.

An academic site for PhD, Masters and other courses.

I recently restyled this Wordpress site and added additional features, such as online application forms using Formstack.

A bespoke Wordpress design for a smaller office off from the main organisation.

I built this Wordpress site for our Brazil office. It is a simple site giving an overview of the work and providing a donation portal using PayPal.

An academic website with a responsive multicolumn layout

I have worked on responsive layouts for smaller Wordpress sites using WP Bakery.